Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Godzilla (26/54) - Takara Microman Costume Series Godzilla - First Version (2004)

Growing up on the 1970s, the Micronauts were one of the coolest toys available prior to the arrival of Star Wars merchandise. Though I didn't know it at the time, they were actually based on a Japanese toy line, Microman. They were highly posable, and often featured interchangeable parts.

When I encountered these 2004 Microman with Godzilla suit figures, I had to pick at least one up.

Released to coincide with the 2004 Godzilla Final Wars film, there was a version with the new Godzilla suit, one with the original 1954 suit, and one with the 1964 suit, as well as versions with King Ghidorah, Jet Jaguar and Megalon suits. I felt the iconic 1954 design suit was the way to go.

In the image below, where they show the Microman body being inserted in the Godzilla suit, the translated text reads:

"What is Kigurumi Microman series?

This is a real action monster figure series created by wearing a soft material monster costume on Microman, who can move in 30 parts of his body."

Check back next week for another item from my Godzilla collection!

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