Monday, May 27, 2024

I Am Legend (20/54) - Kyūketsuki (Vampire), Hayakawa (1958)

When I started collecting international editions of I Am Legend, I was working from a list of five books listed in the 1984 booklet Richard Matheson: He Is Legend (which specified two German editions, a Spanish edition from Argentina, and two editions from Japan). The earliest Japanese edition was titled Kyūketsuki (Vampire), translated by Komimasa Tanaka and published by Hayakawa in 1958. Despite that, it also includes the original title in English on the cover, making it easier for Gajin like me to spot. In those pre-internet days, the odds of my finding a Japanese translation were slim to none.

Fortunately, as with Mundo de Vampiros, I was able to acquire one of a handful of hand-signed editions that originated in the collection of Richard Matheson (one of the complimentary copies received from the publisher). This was a particularly rewarding find, given that it was (a) an edition on my want list, and (b) one that I expected would likely be absent from my growing archive. 

I thought it was interesting that the three Japanese characters that translate to "vampire" are individually (according to Google's translation) "suck," "blood," and "ghost."

Because this wasn't a retail copy, the book even has the original Hayakawa sales slip in it still. From what I've observed, these tipped in sheets are often removed when the book is sold (there's a handy tab that sticks out at the top for easy removal.

The back cover features a duotone photo of (a well-read copy of) the 1957 2nd printing of the Gold Medal paperback and the Hayakawa book number (3005).

Most of the details on the Gold Medal cover (including the words SECOND BIG PRINTING, printed in black text on a red background) are lost in the reproduction.

This first Japanese edition was reprinted at least twice; on June 25, 1960, and June 30, 1963. (I have a copy of the latter reprint in the archive.)

Check back next week for another item from the I Am Legend Archive!